Akeeba Backup 9.8.3 ================================================================================ ~ Identical to 9.8.2. Re-released as 9.8.3 because of an issue with the update server serving stale information. Akeeba Backup 9.8.2 ================================================================================ # [MEDIUM] Using WebPush leads to PHP error under Joomla! 5 # [LOW] The --force flag in akeeba:option:set was not working Akeeba Backup 9.8.1 ================================================================================ ~ Joomla 5 Dark Mode workarounds + Support for Joomla 5 custom public folder + Restoration: Support Joomla 5 custom public folder + Restoration: Use transactions to speed up large table restoration # [HIGH] The Quick Icon plugin does not show anything in the Joomla! control panel # [HIGH] The (deprecated) JSON API command to export the configuration fails when the configuration is encrypted # [HIGH] The akeeba:backup:delete CLI command threw an error due to a typo Akeeba Backup 9.8.0 ================================================================================ + Use Composer to load all internal dependencies (backup engine, S3 library, WebPush library) # [LOW] Joomla 5: Manage Backups page does not work when the b/c plugin is disabled. Akeeba Backup 9.7.1 ================================================================================ # [LOW] Possible PHP error when updating this along other extensions using the same post-installation script Akeeba Backup 9.7.0 ================================================================================ + Notice about Joomla 4 End of Service + Workaround for Wasabi S3v4 signatures + Support for uploading to Shared With Me folders in Google Drive - Remove the non-functional “Hide toolbar” option from the Backup Now backend menu item ~ Changed the plugins' namespace ~ Joomla 5 preparation: Use DatabaseInterface instead of DatabaseDriver ~ Joomla 5 preparation: Work around backwards incompatible changes in core plugin events ~ Joomla 5 preparation: Normalise plugin event calling ~ Joomla 5 preparation: Loading form data MUST NOT return a Table anymore ~ Improved error reporting, removing the unhelpful "(HTML containing script tags)" message ~ Improved mixed– and upper–case database prefix support at backup time ~ Normalised view names # [MEDIUM] Upload to S3 would always use v2 signatures with a custom endpoint. # [MEDIUM] Visiting the Control Panel page would always try to save the Output Directory, replacing most variables # [MEDIUM] Resetting corrupt backups can cause a crash of the Control Panel page # [LOW] Trying to delete a profile which cannot be deleted results in error page instead of an above-the-table error message # [LOW] Cannot save an edited backup record leaving the comment blank # [LOW] Users are not prompted to run the Configuration Wizard on new installation Akeeba Backup 9.6.2 ================================================================================ ~ Block uninstallation of child extensions # [LOW] CLI backups no longer record an end date and time due to a change in Joomla's behavior # [LOW] Backup On Update: Would always use profile 1 # [LOW] Backup On Update: Inversion of logic of the switches in its options page Akeeba Backup 9.6.1 ================================================================================ # [MEDIUM] HTTP PUT might fail on some servers # [LOW] opcache_invalidate may not invalidate a file # [LOW] Would not work on 32-bit versions of PHP Akeeba Backup 9.6.0 ================================================================================ + Support for files and archives over 2GiB (JPA file format 1.3) + New JSON API endpoint, using the Joomla API Application ~ Disabled deprecated API methods ~ Improve the Schedule Automatic Backups page # [MEDIUM] JSON API: deleteFiles method throws an exception due to a typo Akeeba Backup 9.5.1 ================================================================================ + Restoration: handle Joomla 4.2+ MFA options # [MEDIUM] Plugins not enabled on clean installation # [MEDIUM] JSON API cannot delete backup records and profiles Akeeba Backup 9.5.0 ================================================================================ + Option to treat failed uploads as a backup error Akeeba Backup 9.4.8 ================================================================================ ! A packaging issue broke the restoration script in backup archives Akeeba Backup 9.4.7 ================================================================================ # [MEDIUM] Fixed drive selection for Google Drive post processing engine Akeeba Backup 9.4.6 ================================================================================ # [HIGH] Some password managers prevent successful submission of the Site Setup page (you get an error about a missing email address) # [LOW] Wrong grammatical case (nominative instead of genitive) in months in some languages e.g. Greek # [LOW] Push messages may be untranslated strings when a backup is taken over the API or the frontend backup URL Akeeba Backup 9.4.5 ================================================================================ # [HIGH] Unexpected behaviour in the backend when Joomla cache is enabled # [HIGH] BackBlaze B2 single file uploads were broken Akeeba Backup 9.4.4 ================================================================================ + ALICE button in the log view # [HIGH] Migration from Akeeba Backup 8 fails since 9.4.0 added an access setting in backup profiles Akeeba Backup 9.4.3 ================================================================================ # [HIGH] Migration from Akeeba Backup 8 always shows an erroneous message that no compatible version has been detected. # [MEDIUM] Restoration. Administrator email appears as "undefined" in the Site Setup page # [LOW] Restoration: Wrong message about the emial address when the administrator passwords don't match Akeeba Backup 9.4.2 ================================================================================ ! No access control applied in Include and Exclude Information features # [HIGH] Class not found errors when trying to access some pages in Akeeba Backup Akeeba Backup 9.4.1 ================================================================================ ! Immediate error on PHP 7.4 due to a missing method in the released version Akeeba Backup 9.4.0 ================================================================================ ~ Requires Joomla 4.2 or later ~ Requires PHP 7.4.0 or later ~ Much simpler message if you try to run Akeeba Backup on an unsupported (too low) version of PHP. ~ Changed all warnings to much more compact DETAILS elements + Access levels in backup profiles + Option about including the latest backup in remote quotas - Removed the PHP version warning. Joomla already warns you about EOL versions of PHP. # [HIGH] Site Transfer Wizard will fail on a target site using PHP 8.1 or later by default # [LOW] ZIP Archiver, invalid CRC32 calculated for some small files in the installation folder Akeeba Backup 9.3.4 ================================================================================ # [LOW] ZIP Archiver, invalid CRC32 calculated for some small files in the installation folder Akeeba Backup 9.3.3 ================================================================================ ~ Better warnings about CRC32 for ZIP files on 32-bit versions of PHP # [HIGH] Quota settings and emails are not processed at the end of the backup process # [HIGH] Joomla Scheduled Tasks for Akeeba Backup may fail with a PHP error Akeeba Backup 9.3.2 ================================================================================ ~ PHP notices are now only logged when Debug Site is enabled ~ Notify the user when the server does not support Web Push instead of just failing to subscribe to push notifications # [MEDIUM] WebPush code tries to run when not selected resulting in an annoying, but harmless, warning # [MEDIUM] Possible PHP fatal error if the server does not meet the Web Push minimum requirements # [LOW] PHP 8 deprecated notices from the WebPush library Akeeba Backup 9.3.1 ================================================================================ + Push notifications through the browser's Push API + ANGIE for Joomla: reset session and cache options in Site Setup + Support for ShowOn to conditionally show options in the Configuration page ~ Save and Save & Close buttons are now separate, as per Joomla 4.2 UI guidelines # [HIGH] Single part uploads to Azure stopped working # [LOW] “Field 'extra_query' doesn't have a default value” error on some broken installations # [LOW] PHP warning about undefined $id in the Manage Backups page on some versions of PHP Akeeba Backup 9.3.0 ================================================================================ + Upload to Swift: Support for Keystone v3 # [HIGH] Joomla broke database-aware models under the CLI. Working around the latest Joomla borkage, as we have always done. # [MEDIUM] Command line options overrides don't work because of a typo # [LOW] PHP 8.1 deprecated notice when checking if FOF is still installed # [LOW] "Test FTP connection" button was not correctly applying the passive mode # [LOW] CLI akeeba:profile:list was broken Akeeba Backup 9.2.7 ================================================================================ + More informative error messages for database connection issues during restoration ~ Workaround for utf8_encode and _decode being deprecated in PHP 8.2 # [LOW] Restoration: You were shown separate port and socket options which were not taken into account # [MEDIUM] Restoration: Using a custom port or socket might result in the wrong hostname being written in the restored site's configuration file # [MEDIUM] Possible infinite loop on PHP 8 during DB restoration if a SQL file is missing # [LOW] Invalid SQL dump if we cannot get the create commands for a function, procedure or trigger Akeeba Backup 9.2.6 ================================================================================ + Restoration: Warn about missing mysqli / PDO MySQL and REFUSE to proceed # [HIGH] Cannot download file from Amazon S3 # [LOW] PHP Warning when backing up a database (purely cosmetic issue) # [LOW] Missing language strings from the CLI commands Akeeba Backup 9.2.5 ================================================================================ + Restoration: Warn about missing mysqli / PDO MySQL and REFUSE to proceed # [HIGH] Cannot download file from Amazon S3 # [LOW] PHP Warning when backing up a database (purely cosmetic issue) # [LOW] Missing language strings from the CLI commands Akeeba Backup 9.2.4 ================================================================================ # [HIGH] Cannot connect to databases on localhost using the default named pipe # [MEDIUM] Custom Amazon S3 regions would not work with custom endpoints Akeeba Backup 9.2.3 ================================================================================ + Support for custom Amazon S3 regions + Support for MySQL SSL/TLS connections for backed up sites + Add Show Inline Help support in component options for Joomla 4.1 # [LOW] Weird interface for the CLI backup Scheduled Task type Akeeba Backup 9.2.2 ================================================================================ + Improved Smart Search table filtering + Much improved FTP functions for uploading backup archives and transferring sites + Upload to Azure BLOB Storage now supports chunked uploads, files up to 190.7TB (up from 64Mb) + OneDrive for Business: you can now use Drives other than your personal ~ Ignore whitespace in the new site's URL in the Site Transfer Wizard ~ Stricter conditions for determining when to show the “Manage remotely stored files” button in Manage Backups # [LOW] Upload to Remote Storage would transfer the first part file twice # [MEDIUM] Fixed download of remote archives back to the server # [MEDIUM] OneDrive: Uploads may fail if they are between 4Mb and 100Mb Akeeba Backup 9.2.1 ================================================================================ + Restoration: ANGIE now applies very high memory and execution time limits to prevent some timeout / memory outage issues on most hosts. + Restoration: ANGIE now warns you if you leave the database connection information empty + Option to set a really large PHP memory limit during backup ~ Show an error if the temp file cannot be opened when importing from S3 # [HIGH] Sometimes you would not see the error when the Upload to Remote Storage failed # [MEDIUM] ALICE would not list any logs, even for failed backups # [LOW] The JPS archiver would show warnings about unreadable files when archiving directories without any files in them. # [LOW] The directory browser in the Configuration page doesn't open the defined folder when it contains variables # [LOW] Extra whitespace in the Upload to Remote Storage pages # [LOW] Configure and Export in the backup profiles manager do not work because of backwards incompatible changes in Joomla 4.1.1 Akeeba Backup 9.2.0 ================================================================================ + Integration with Joomla 4.1's Scheduled Tasks # [HIGH] Uploading to OVH is broken on many servers not using a proxy # [LOW] Popover content does not display in the Configuration page Akeeba Backup 9.1.1 ================================================================================ # [HIGH] Wrong RewriteBase set up in the .htaccess Maker when restoring a Joomla site with Admin Tools Professional installed Akeeba Backup 9.1.0 ================================================================================ + Allow using [REMOTESTATUS] in the email subject, not just the body + Warn about the Console – Akeeba Backup plugin being disabled in the Schedule Automatic Backups page + Joomla restoration: modify domains in the Admin Tools' Allowed Domains and server config maker features if necessary ~ Force the Quickicon plugin to always show in the Notifications area instead of the 3rd Party area # [HIGH] Problems restoring if a table name ends in 0 when another table with an identical name EXCEPT the trailing zero is also being backed up # [HIGH] Backing up to SQL: indices would not have the correct table name prefix # [HIGH] Backing up as SQL: the query for finder_taxonomy does not use the correct prefix # [MEDIUM] Log Priorities global configuration option got mangled restoring a Joomla 4 site # [LOW] Restore backup admin menu does not work correctly with multiple backup profiles # [LOW] RackSpace CloudFiles: some hosts change the case of HTTP headers # [LOW] Test FTP button was not working # [LOW] Fixed displaying multi-line backup comments in the Manage Backups page Akeeba Backup 9.0.11 ================================================================================ + Support for MySQL 8 invisible columns # [LOW] Rare type error under PHP 8 during restoration # [LOW] Wrong translation string in backend menu item type # [LOW] Wrong controls in Backup and Restore backend menu item types Akeeba Backup 9.0.10 ================================================================================ - Remove piecon (pie graph favicon showing the backup progress) ~ JSON API: Forcibly use the ‘json’ origin everywhere ~ JSON API: Throw an error if the backup ID sent to stepBackup does not exist ~ JSON API: Improved backup IDs prevent a number of JSON API issues ~ Auto–publish the Console plugin in the Professional version # [LOW] JSON API: The wrong origin (‘frontend’ instead of ‘json’) was recorded # [LOW] Manage Backups: The View Log button didn't take you to the correct log file Akeeba Backup 9.0.9 ================================================================================ - Removed iDriveSync; the service has been discontinued by the provider. - Removed the “Archive integrity check” feature. ~ Ensure the correct collation of all database tables and columns used by the extension ~ Dropbox connector updated to require TLS v1.2 + API requests: Prevent server cache + Better support for custom database drivers provided by third party extensions # [LOW] Bootstrap 5.1.2 included in Joomla 4.0.4 broke the CSS for Control Panel icons # [LOW] Check failed backups: All Super Users were notified even when an email was supplied Akeeba Backup 9.0.8 ================================================================================ # [MEDIUM] Wrong ACL check wouldn't allow non–Super User accounts from accessing the component # [LOW] PHP 8 error if the output directory is empty Akeeba Backup 9.0.7 ================================================================================ ~ Remove dash from automatically generated random values for archive naming ~ Adjusted padding in download backup modal + Increase the maximum Size Quota limit to 1Pb + Support for Joomla proxy configuration # [MEDIUM] Cannot restore on PHP 8 if Two Factor Authentication is enabled in any user account # [HIGH] Backing up to Box, Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive may not be possible if you are using an add-on Download ID Akeeba Backup 9.0.6 ================================================================================ # [HIGH] Legacy front-end backup fails to execute when stepping through the backup with a 404 error # [MEDIUM] Could not enable encryption for configuration settings # [LOW] The usage statistics model is not loaded in the control panel page # [LOW] PHP Warning from the TriggerEvent trait # [LOW] Added back button after backup completion # [LOW] Wrong use of double quotes in CLI language file Akeeba Backup 9.0.5 ================================================================================ + You are given the option to rerun the migration or uninstall Akeeba Backup 8 (with a nifty link) after migrating settings from Akeeba Backup 8. + Migration now also imports the Download ID from Akeeba Backup 8 # [HIGH] JavaScript errors due to strict mode in Configuration, Database Filters, Include Folders, Restoration, S3 Import and Transfer Wizard pages Akeeba Backup 9.0.4 ================================================================================ + CLI Migration command ~ Completely removing the use of the Joomla CMS Filesystem API for writing / copying / moving files because it's too buggy # [MEDIUM] JSON API getProfiles returns an empty array # [HIGH] CLI backups always run with profile #1, even if you use the --profile parameter # [LOW] Downgrading from Pro to Core didn't work correctly # [LOW] Warning in Manage Backups page if you have deleted the backup profile used to take a backup listed there Akeeba Backup 9.0.3 ================================================================================ # [MEDIUM] Joomla Filesystem API (File / Folder) doesn't work on some servers; preferring native PHP functions instead. # [HIGH] Does not work on Windows on the latest Joomla 4 RC versions # [HIGH] Some internal links do not work because of lower/uppercase mix in file names Akeeba Backup 9.0.2 ================================================================================ ~ Prevent installation on Joomla 3. # [HIGH] Core version, regression: Call to a member function rebaseFiltersToSiteDirs() on bool # [HIGH] yet another last minute, undocumented, backwards incompatible change in Joomla is breaking things. # [MEDIUM] Extensions not enabled automatically on installation. Akeeba Backup 9.0.1 ================================================================================ # [HIGH] Akeeba Backup Core: immediate error coming from the Dispatcher Akeeba Backup 9.0.0 ================================================================================ ! Rewritten with Joomla 4 Core MVC and Bootstrap 5 styling + Reset the configuration and filters of backup profiles from the Profiles page